(P) 1974 by Dr. Peter David Beter, distributed by Audio Books Inc.
My friends, the events I have outlined, based on the dynasty's
plans, are hardly a source of cheer. But at least, having some idea
of what to expect and when, you can start preparing. And, my friends,
I would waste no time in doing so.
As I see it, there are three basic areas to take care of in your
preparations. In order of priority, they are:
1. Necessities,
2. Liquid assets, and
3. Savings and financial reserves.
The relative amount you should devote to each area depends, however,
on your own particular circumstances.
Make sure, above all else, that you will have the necessities on hand
that you will need to survive; first, during the stagflation/depression
era; and then during the war to follow.
You must consider at least five basic kinds of necessities: shelter,
food, water, fuel, and medical supplies.
Concerning shelter: Be sure that your house is in good repair
generally before the depression arrives. In particular, be sure that
it is properly insulated. Looking ahead to the war, arrange if you can
to have a retreat, as far as possible from the target areas in America,
where you can ride out the 13-month nuclear war.
The best thing, of course, is to be in another country, outside of
the war zone, such as Europe or Canada. Failing that, which most
Americans cannot do, the retreat should simply be as far as possible
from the probable target areas. It should also be upwind of the
nearest target areas, based on prevailing winds, so that any nuclear
blast fallout will tend to drift away from the retreat, instead of
toward it. Major cities and distribution centers, military installations,
and nuclear power plants should all be considered probable targets.
You may be able to build your retreat from scratch, with an under-
ground fallout shelter, a well, air filters, and so forth. Or you may
have relatives who live in a good area, who would pool their resources
with yours, preparing their basement to take care of all of you
when the time comes. Or perhaps you have a camping vehicle, that
would serve as a temporary, mobile retreat.
Now concerning food: The key word is storability. You want to
stock up now on foods to eat later, when food becomes scarce.
Most canned foods keep well for many months, so stock up now,
because store shelves will soon have increasingly large and frequent
empty spaces. For longer term storage, periods of 5 to 10 years and
more, dehydrated and freeze-dried foods are available from certain
specialty stores, which are specially packaged in large cans.
Garden seeds, like food itself, will become scarcer; so get a supply
now if you have space for a garden. Seeds for sprouting can provide
you with a good source of fresh vegetable protein during the non-
gardening season. You may wish to check with health food stores
about some of these items.
Turning to the matter of water: Be sure you have a well, if possible,
at your wartime retreat. At your home, the municipal water supply
could become polluted or even cease at some point during the
severe economic breakdown, due to the Chinese-type inflation/
depression. The easiest thing to do here is probably to revive the old
rain barrel as a backup source of water; that is, collect the rain
water that runs off your roof in a barrel. Any time you suspect
there are germs in the water, boil the water; then, I'm told,
you can add up to 8 drops of liquid chlorine bleach, such as
Clorox, per gallon of water to kill the germs.
Next comes fuel. America now depends heavily on insecure sources
such as Saudi Arabia for oil, from which we obtain gasoline, fuel
oil, diesel fuel, and much of our electric power. Our oil source
can be distorted or disrupted at any time, by a coal strike, a
Mideast war, or another Arab oil embargo; which, by the way,
could result from Arab unwillingness to sell its oil for worthless
American dollars.
Thus, you should reduce your vulnerability to interruption of the
oil supply. If you can store them safely, build reserves of any fuels
that are critical for you. If you have a furnace that uses fuel oil
or natural gas, its blowers and controls are probably electric. So,
you should try to arrange safe standby means of operating in the
event of power failure. If you have a fireplace, make sure that it
is in a safe working order. In an emergency it can provide
heat, and it can be used for makeshift cooking.
Lastly, don't forget about needed medical supplies. Be sure to have
adequate supplies on hand of any special medications that are needed
on a continuing or recurring basis; and have a good stock of
assorted first-aid supplies.
that is, cash on hand or readily available.
Stay as liquid as you can. Don't tie up your funds in investments or
property that you can't get your money back out of easily. Important:
collect all coins now in circulation, whether cladded copper or otherwise.
Any coinage is worth more than paper, and you'll be able to buy
more with your coins during the depression than with the redbacks
and paper change that will be issued by early 1975.
Keep your cash in a safe place, such as a safety deposit box or in
private depositories. If you insist on depositing part of your funds in
banks, do it in short-term certificates of deposit, with interest rates
that rise with inflation. Make these certificates of deposit as short-
term as you possibly can.
If you wish to obtain a mortgage, a bank loan, a loan on your life
insurance, or other long-term loans at fixed interest rates, that's quite
all right. Those are good ways to make cash available to you that is
otherwise tied up. But if you do this, be sure to maintain an
adequate cash reserve fund to cover your loan commitments just in
case the hidden rulers should decide to change the rules in the
middle of their game plan.
You want these assets left over after taking care of necessities and
adequate ready cash to rise with inflation, so that you will not be wiped
out by the time the stagflation era ends. Here is a checklist of dos
and don'ts with your savings during this period.
Silver coins, gold coin collections, silver bars of any size--These are
good long-term investments, since their value will increase to keep pace
with inflation. They can be insured, and may even be acceptable
as loan collateral. Be sure to store them safely, in bank or private
depositories, under correct or assumed names.
One cautionary note here: The hidden rulers may seek to nationalize
our gold and silver, just as they did with our gold in 1934. So pay cash,
and don't give your name to the seller. If you can store your gold and
silver outside the United States, so much the better, since it won't be
nationalized there and you are more certain of getting your money
out of it.
Foreign currencies--European currencies will soon be backed by
gold again, and will be strong. But be careful of these unless you plan
to travel abroad or use Europe for a retreat in World War III,
since currency controls may be reimposed.
Fire insurance--Increase your protection to keep up with inflation.
Storable food and other basic commodities--Consider investing in
these for barter or sale. Commodities that you would be able to use
or work with are the safest here.
Real estate--In view of the pending war, it is probably wisest in
general to avoid buying real estate other than your own home and
remote property for your retreat.
Pensions and annuities--like other fixed incomes, will gradually lose
their value.
Stocks--are in general not safe during this period, except for certain
gold stocks, since the September visit to Fort Knox showed the world
that the United States no longer has gold with which to depress gold
market prices.
Bonds--are no good, even safe government bonds, because their
interest and capital are payable in steadily deteriorating dollars.
Savings accounts, savings and loan deposits, life insurance, and
annuities--all appreciate in value far too slowly to keep up with
current inflation, and therefore should be examined thoroughly in each
individual case by a competent financial advisor.